Related Events
Halloween 2022
For Halloween this year the Preschool enjoyed having a fun filled afternoon with all of their friends, playing a range of different games such as, pin the tail on the cat, pumpkin painting, musical chairs, etc. The Nursery children invited their parents in for a party. Everyone had so much fun playing a range of different games and they even had a refreshments table with freshly cooked sandwiches, cakes, biscuits, etc.
Christmas 2018
We had a lot of fun this Christmas, we went to the local church to perform our nativity before coming back to the preschool to see Santa and have meal and party with our families and staff!
Nursery Christmas party 2024
For Father’s Day this year, the Preschool children and some of their Dads had so much fun over the park in the sunshine playing a game of football while the Nursery children invited their Dads into the Nursery to spend some quality time with them.
Christmas 2021
This Christmas the children enjoyed going on a walk around the block wishing everyone a Merry Christmas while offering them a tasty chocolate. The children also took part in a range of different games such as pin the tail on the reindeer and snowman bowling!
Preschool Graduation 2022
It was a very mixed emotion day. The children and their parents enjoyed spending there last few hours with there friends at Ruislip Stars before they left us to go off to big school. We all enjoyed a graduation ceremony followed along by a magician, which all the children loved.
Mother’s day 2019
The children and their mothers came to the preschool to celebrate Mother’s day! We enjoyed a party filled with dancing, games and cake decorating!